How to create an alter ego for your personal brand (7 Tips)
Are there things you feel you can’t possibly do or achieve? That’s okay. Because maybe your alter ego can. Unleash the other side of your potential through your alter ego.
Business Book Review: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
From the traumatic to the tiny, The Obstacle is the Way is the catch-cry for overcoming adversity. For turning what stands in your way, into your greatest triumphs.
How to talk to anyone (10 tips)
For a personal brand that can charm any room, learn the art of charisma - the relationships superpower anyone can learn.
Business Book Review: The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne W. Dyer
You’ve likely heard the phrase “the Universe has your back”. The Power of Intention shares why. Use its transformational forces to achieve your goals.
12 Tiny Tips to Make Your Marketing Messages Sing
Why are some messages completely ignored while others are irresistible? It’s the tiny techniques in your writing that are music to your audience’s ears.
Business Book Review: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason
Clason’s classic is a masterclass in creating messages that resonate. He shares financial expertise through skilful storytelling. Helping his audience process complex ideas with ease.
Gen Z’s Guide to Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
If you’re a newbie to LinkedIn, here are the top six things you need to know to navigate this strange social media giant.
Business Book Review: What Makes People Tick by Des Hunt
What Makes People Tick will permanently change the way you view personality types. Helping you find your people and navigate opposing views of the world.
Brand YOU: 21 Questions to reveal your personal brand
How much attention are you paying to the personal brand you already have? To help understand perceptions of your personal brand, ask yourself these questions…
Business Book Review: Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley
After reading Oversubscribed, you’ll always ask yourself…how many people can I truly be remarkable for? And then deliver delightful experiences that build demand.
How to Build the ‘Slight Edge’ of Your Personal Brand
Everything is compound interest. So, learn to turn simple daily disciplines into massive success.
Business Book Review: Future Brain by Dr Jenny Brockis
If you could fuel your brain like a Ferrari or a rust bucket, which would you choose? Learn the science behind powering your brain’s potential.
Make a memorable first impression for your personal brand (for the right reasons)
First impressions are formed within milliseconds. And it’s lasting. So, what impressions are your personal brand leaving?
Business Book Review: The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy
Published nearly two decades ago, The Psychology of Selling is still as relevant today. It reminds you that sales starts with your own inner game.