Gen Z’s Guide to Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

If you’re a newbie to LinkedIn, here are the top six things you need to know to navigate this strange social media giant.

Gen Z, let’s talk LinkedIn. You likely already know what other generations might not. Compared to its counterparts, LinkedIn is probably the least cool social media platform. But, it’s also the world’s biggest professional platform. As a new generation enters the workplace, Gen Zers are flocking to LinkedIn en mass. So (for now), it’s still relevant for building your professional brand. But, what are Gen Zers experiencing once on LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn can be predictably lame compared to its other social media platforms. But, this very thing presents your best opportunity. Even as a newcomer, you can make your presence on the platform known.

According to Forbes, Gen Zers’ use of LinkedIn is estimated to increase by 13% monthly.

Are you a Gen Zer newer to the sometimes seemingly bizarre world of LinkedIn?

Here are my tips to leverage LinkedIn with the unfair advantage you already have.

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1. Create your own rules

Even as a regular LinkedIn user, I understand why so many Gen Zers feel the platform is ‘corporate cringe’.

Platforms like Instagram are consistently criticised for trumpeting people’s ‘highlight reels’.  And yet, LinkedIn is a highlight reel on steroids.

Lurkers are the silent majority on the platform - until they have an achievement to share. Many other types of posts are often ego-boosting exercises in disguise. Think, ‘Look how lucky I am to be invited to this event’. Or, ‘Look I’m a member of this exclusive community’. I say this having been guilty of all of it. LinkedIn is a toxic place to socialise in unless someone changes things.

LinkedIn is now over 20 years old. It’s time for Gen Z to be the change LinkedIn needs to see.

While always remaining professional, don’t be afraid to disrupt the so-called ‘Rules of LinkedIn’. Experiment. See what resonates with your people. Your fellow Gen Zers are the future of LinkedIn too.

2.  Learn in public

Most social media is estimated to be 90% lurkers, 9% consumers and 1% creators. There’s no place where this feels more true than LinkedIn. But, this is your advantage. Even if you’re early in your career, it doesn’t take much to lead on LinkedIn.

Of all social platforms, LinkedIn seems to be one place Gen Zers often fall silent. Don’t let a seemingly more experienced LinkedIn network intimidate you. This same network is likely intimidated by your tech savviness. And your seemingly fearless ability to show up on all other major social media platforms. Instead of slinking into the shadows, bring some of that confident energy to LinkedIn too.

You don’t have to be an expert in your industry to post on LinkedIn - just learn in public. As LinkedIn legend, Gary Vee, would say:

“Document, don’t create.”

Consider sharing:

  • Industry news

  • Your latest projects

  • Reflections on things you’ve loved working on

  • What you’re learning

  • Things that inspire you

  • Posts that demonstrate your skills

  • The behind-the-scenes of your team

3. Add your creative flair

The majority of LinkedIn users stick to the standard photo and text-based posts. As a Gen Zer, your unfair advantage is the creativity you’ve long trained for. Do what most millennials and beyond on LinkedIn won’t - your bread and butter - sharing videos. Even your most basic video editing skills will likely outperform the LinkedIn majority.

You’re likely also skilled at Canva or other edited programmes. Use it to make your LinkedIn posts pop in an otherwise pretty plain marketplace.

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4. Slide into DMs

Don’t be intimidated by sending connection requests. If you already have experience, an obvious place to start is your past or current workplace. But, also try to connect with people who work in places you’d like to work in. Or, other people in your industry.

If your invitations are accepted, don’t be afraid to slide into DMs on LinkedIn too. Send a quick thank you message. Use your natural inclination towards DMs to build your personal brand outside your LinkedIn feed.

Remember, quality connections matter over quantity. Target your invitations in a meaningful way.

5. Create the shop front window of your personal brand

First impressions are formed in milliseconds. Update your LinkedIn profile to create an inviting professional personal brand.

Don’t crop the photo you took at a social event and repurpose it for your LinkedIn profile. Now is not the time to be camera-shy, Gen Zer. Take a photo specifically intended for your professional brand. Find a neutral background and ask a friend or family member for help with your new headshot. Even just a simple shot on your phone can be quickly converted into something special.

Use your Canva skills to work your magic for a LinkedIn makeover. Add a filter, adjust your focus and up the brightness. With just a few clicks, you can supercharge your personal brand’s shop front window

6. SEO your LinkedIn profile

If you’re a Gen Zer, you know social media is the new search. You rely on social media for search, more than any previous generation. So, apply that social media search mindset to your LinkedIn profile. Search Engine Optimise (SEO) your LinkedIn profile.

Before you make updates to the content of your LinkedIn profile, develop your SEO strategy. This will help you become discoverable in your industry by future employers and other professionals in your field. To learn more, see my previous blog on Search Engine Optimising your LinkedIn profile.

Gen Zers, it’s time to make your presence on LinkedIn known.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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  • Read my previous blog posts.

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