Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs
Don’t just build your business brand, build the personal brand that powers your business’ personality, personal connections and profitability.
The Future is Freelancing. Is your Personal Brand Ready?
Are you ready to enjoy the freedom and flexibility that freelancing brings? Build a future-focused personal brand that capitalises on changing work trends.
How to Reinvent You
At some point in your career, or several, you’ll likely have to reinvent your professional personal brand. So, are you ready for when that moment comes?
How Smart People Can be Bad Writers (and What to Do Instead)
There’s a big difference between being smart and writing smartly. School conditions you to believe sounding smart is rewarded. Reality rewards clarity over clever.
Bring main character energy to your career
Could seeing your personal brand as the main character in your movie of life be your secret weapon for success?
Your personal brand is one skill away from your dream job, clients, and career
If one skill could change the course of your career, what would it be? Build it into an upskill plan to accelerate your personal brand’s prospects.
Reinvent Yourself: From Imposter Syndrome to Identity Shifting for Your Personal Brand
A solutions-focused approach to move from feeling like an inauthentic personal brand to an aspirational one.
Build a personal brand that works from anywhere in the world
8 tips to skilfully create a personal brand that gives you the freedom to work remotely.
Digital Minimalism: Build an ‘always on’ personal brand without being always on
5 ways to detox from social media in the New Year, while still leveraging digital platforms for your personal brand
Personal Branding Predictions for 2025
These are 5 personal branding trends for 2025 you can take advantage of as personal brands continue to change the way we consume, communicate and create.
High-Value Hobbies Worth Having in 2025 for Your Personal Brand and Personal Life
All work and no play makes your personal brand a dull bore. Hobbies can boost your brain, body and well-being. The healthiest personal brand starts with the person you are off-stage and behind the scenes.
Why I am Journalling this Way in 2025
After years of struggling to stay consistent with journals, I’ve discovered a journalling method that’s so simple and boosts breakthroughs for your personal brand and personal life.
Rebrand Your Verbal Personal Brand
Make 2025 the year to level up your personal brand's verbal identity. This isn’t about sounding smart. It’s about engaging your audience with your unique tone of voice.
Rebrand Your Visual Personal Brand
Is the visual identity of your personal brand saying what you want it to represent? Try these 5 tips to redefine your visual brand.