3 Questions to Ask Before Setting Your Personal Brand Values
Before you take off on your personal brand mission, take a look back. And discover the person you were meant to be.
Business Book Review: Survival is Not Enough by Seth Godin
In a genius comparison, Godin explains the science of business. Because, like in nature, evolution is inevitable. Only those most able to adapt will thrive.
3 Tools to Help you Discover your Personal Brand Strengths
Discover what makes you special and where to put your precious time.
Business Book Review: Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins by Annette Simmons
Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins is a permission slip to make business personal. Using storythinking to, not replace, but complement objective thinking in business.
The most important decision you can make for your personal brand
Do this before you go any further with your personal brand.
Business Book Review: The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Kay and Shipman help crack the code for the mysteries of confidence. The illusive trait that’s even more important than your competence.
Business Book Review: Real Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins
Whatever your ‘art’, read Real Artists Don’t Starve. Goins earnestly reminds you to value yourself, so you can keep yourself in business.
Four Uncomfortably Easy Ways to Find Your Inspiration
Before you set any short-term personal brand goals, try these creative techniques. And orientate yourself for success.
How to use Visual Storytelling in Your Personal Branding
Four easy ways to curate the look and feel of your personal brand
Business Book Review: The Best Story Wins by Matthew Luhn
Luhn reminds you that you were born to tell stories. And with simple formulas, you can relearn the craft your childhood self once mastered.
Instead of a ‘strong voice’ for your personal brand, do this.
Contrary to popular belief, personal branding is not about being the loudest voice.
Business Book Review: Reinventing You by Dorie Clark
Reinventing You is for anyone who has ever started over. And for anyone who hasn’t, so you’re prepared when that day comes.
How to Apply Storytelling to your Personal Brand
Not sure where to start with storytelling for your personal brand? Then, try these five simple steps.
Business Book Review: What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School by Mark McCormack
McCormack’s What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School is the manual freshly-minted MBAs need to read.