Personal Branding for Introverts (10 Tips)

If you don’t understand personal branding well, personal branding for introverts can feel like an oxymoron. But, it shouldn’t be. I’m sharing a personal branding for introverts strategy any introvert should feel comfortable trying. Make being an introvert your personal brand superpower.

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At a party recently, I heard a mum describe to her young son that their uncle had gone home early because “as we talked about before, his social batteries are flat now, so he needs to recharge.”

As a personal brand coach, overhearing the analogy stopped me in my tracks. Her explanation to her child was so crystal clear that I wondered why more people don’t understand introversion and extroversion in this way.

Since Carl Jung’s conception of it over a hundred years ago in the 1920s, Introversion and extroversion are still among the most mass-used personality descriptors. But, it can often be misunderstood.

At its core, introversion and extroversion are about where you get your energy from. So, using a child-like inspired simplicity, are your batteries generally best charged through internal or external sources?  As an extrovert, you get your energy from external sources, like people and other external stimuli. While, as an introvert, you get your energy from yourself, through self-reflection and being alone with your ideas.

Being an introvert does not automatically make you shy. Introverts might be shy, but so can extroverts. Shyness is more about nervousness and self-consciousness around other people, rather than your actual preferences. Similarly, introversion doesn’t automatically mean you lack confidence.

With a proper understanding of introversion and extroversion, it’s clear that modern working culture favours extroversion. Think open offices, full social club calendars, afternoon teas, lunch parties, working lunches, after-work drinks, working groups and a relentless all-in meeting culture - that seems to reward the loudest voices.

So, when it comes to personal branding for introverts, through a misunderstanding of personal branding, it’s easy to believe it’s not possible. But, this is where you’d be very wrong. Personal branding for introverts is not only possible, but it’s as available an opportunity to introverts as it is for extroverts. In this blog, I’ll explain how to build your personal brand as an introvert.

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What is personal branding?

Before we get into personal branding for introverts, let’s visit what personal branding is generally understood to be:

  • What people think about you

  • How you make them feel

  • What they say about you (especially when you’re not in the room)

  • How they remember you

So, in a professional sense, it’s how you’re intentional about what you represent - and as a self-reflecting introvert, you of course thrive on being intentional.

Tip #1: Set personal brand goals like an introvert

As an introvert, you excel at thinking before you act and contemplating your thoughts and ideas. Building your personal brand as an introvert will likely have a lasting impact because you’ll more naturally begin with the end in mind. As an introvert, you’ll excel at creating and reverse-engineering your personal brand goals. While others may rush into their personal brand ambitions and short-sighted ideas, your idealistic mind would have carefully reflected on your personal brand vision before making decisions.

Tip #2: Building your personal brand network one 1-1 conversation at a time

Your network is your net worth, not how many people you see and know. As an introvert, you can use your preference for conversations with one or just a few people to your advantage. Instead of attending every networking event filled with hundreds of people and low-quality conversations, build high-quality, lasting relationships for your personal brand.

Tip #3: Build your personal brand with your inner-most circle, not ‘cocktail connections’

As an introvert, you’re likely more comfortable socialising with people you know well. So when building your personal brand as an introvert, don’t assume it’s by one introduction to a stranger at a time.

As Singh Cassidy shares in her book Choose Possibility, when it comes to generating opportunities, the Silicon Valley icon reminds you of what Management Professor David Burkus said:

“Your old friends are better than your new friends.”

Because your old friends are always going to be more invested in you than those you meet at networking events:

"But for all the pressure we put on ourselves to make cocktail connections, our greatest chance of finding an exciting new career opportunity comes from our own deepest professional connections.”

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Tip #4: Do your personal brand research, as an introvert does best

A good personal branding strategy is based on both self-reflection and research. It’s not about rushing to be the loudest, most visible voice. Building your personal brand as an introvert, you’re already skilled at observing others. Use this introvert superpower to power your personal brand research.

Observe what personal brands resonate with you and why. And what aren’t they doing that you could be? Read blogs, watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts. Build your knowledge and skills for your personal brand vision, while you’re thinking before you act.

Tip #5: Build your online personal brand in the comfort of your alone time

Every week, I publish a YouTube and Podcast episode, and a blog and send a weekly newsletter. I produce all of this alone silently in my home office.

As an introvert, with the power of social media and advancing technology (designed often to be used on your own), you can grow your online personal brand in the comfort of your own home.

Sometimes, it’s not always about who you know, but who knows you. Thought leadership is a cornerstone of personal branding. As an introvert, who’s better at thinking than you?

Tip #6: Be a world-class listener

As an introvert, you’re likely a master listener, so why not build your personal brand around this superpower? Some of the best YouTube channels and podcasts centre almost entirely around guest interviews. You might be the next Joe Rogan just by using your personal brand to listen and ask questions.

Tip #7: Act in your own time

Whether it’s building your face-to-face or online brand, carefully curate a schedule that works for you:


To produce content or set meetings that will move your personal brand needle forward, batch your tasks. As an introvert, this will allow you more time to self-reflect and recharge with more alone time between scheduled times.


Use the power of scheduling. Keep your alone time sacred, but have your personal brand work for you while you’re doing whatever your heart desires and conserving your energy for your time.

Tip #8: Do what you’re energetically aligned with

As an introvert, you get your energy from within, so make sure you protect it. When picking a social media platform focus or what event to go to next, ask yourself what your energy most aligns with. Pick what you most enjoy being a part of, not what feels forced.

Tip #9: Make feedback-driven decisions

As an introvert, use your introspection and self-awareness to improve your personal brand outcomes. Carefully analyse data to build your competitive advantage. This might be quantitive, like numbers in sales, finance or digital analytics. Or it might be qualitative data, like employer, team or customer feedback. Use the data to build your personal brand.

Tip #10: Use personal brand cues to let your achievements speak for themselves

Compared to your counterparts, you’re likely the more quiet achiever. But you’re self-aware enough to know that your achievements should speak volumes for your creativity and authority. But, help the marketplace, your audience or your industry along the process by using subtle cues.

Use online profiles or maybe even your office walls to share your qualifications and credentials, and hence your personal brand authority. Use testimonials and portfolios to create social proof and to have your people skills and talents speak for you.

Don’t be fooled by the misconception that personal branding is not for introverts, when it’s in fact where introverts can thrive. Take these steps to build your personal brand with introspection and energy in mind. It’s what great personal brand strategies do best.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

For more personal branding tips:

  • Read my previous blog posts.

  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel for all things personal branding, marketing, business and development.

  • Follow my Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to get the latest on the go.

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