Business Book Review: Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller

The Hero on a Mission characters are so clear you’ll see them everywhere. Most importantly in yourself. It will transform your perception of your story.

Business Book Review: Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller

My Rating: ★★★★

Length: 249 pages

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Released: January 2022

Applying the book to personal branding

The New York Times best-selling author expands his storytelling expertise to this personal development book.

In it, he highlights four crystal clear characters. Two are doomed to fail. And two are set up to flourish.

The four characters are:

  • Victim: Who is doomed to fail

  • Villain: Who never makes genuine connections

  • Hero: Who overcomes adversity and helps others

  • Guide: Whose experience helps pave the way for the heroes to come

As Miller humbly admits himself, you likely play all four characters every day. But, as the author of your own story, you can take the pen. And give your more fulfilling hero and guide characters a starring role.

A personal brand invites you to embrace your unique story. It also advocates that your unique skills, experience and expertise make you the perfect person to help solve a problem for others. In other words, with the moral of your story in mind, what can you be the Guide for?

Favourite Quotes

One thing that will ruin a story fast is if the hero—the character that the story is about—acts like a victim.

What separates a villain from a hero is the hero learns from their pain.

Heroes rise up with courage to change their circumstances.

A hero does not have to be perfect; they just have to consistently transform into a better version of themselves.

A good story isn’t just about the hero. It’s about the people the hero loves, the people dependent on the hero.

Heroes and guides contend with villains by bringing more light than darkness into the world.

The vision should probably embarrass you…being a little embarrassed means you want to do something that other people might not think you are able to do.

The ‘hero on a mission’ storytelling formula is one you’ve been an audience of your whole life.

Using his signature movie plot references, Miller makes this storytelling formula impossible to ignore or unlearn. Personally and professionally, you will hear them in every conversation and see them everywhere - most importantly, in yourself.

Hero on a Mission is the perfect follow-up to Miller’s Building a Story Brand. In the 2017 marketing hit, Miller reminds us of the importance of being the Guide for others. In Hero on a Mission, he makes this call to action toward a meaningful existence deeply personal.

Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller: Available on Amazon.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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The 4 Story Characters You Will Never Unlearn


The Art of Storytelling for your Personal Brand