Business Book Review: The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd
The Pathless Path is the modern-day equivalent of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Challenging you personally and professionally to question your default.
Business Book Review: The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter
Everything is energy. When you start to believe this scientifically proven and ancient wisdom, you can start to attract the energy you want to create.
Business Book Review: The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane
Charisma doesn’t need to be the gift you’re either born with or not. Charisma can be learnt. Learn how to unlock the secrets of charisma.
Business Book Review: Buy Yourself the Damn Flowers by Tam Kaur
She is the social media star who built a thriving community of the ‘self-obsessed’ from her bedroom of her grandparents’ home. Learn how Tam Kaur turned heartache into self-confidence.
Business Book Review: If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face? by Alan Alda
The art of acting meets science. With wit and workable techniques, Alda highlights how to better communicate and relate with others.
Business Book Review: Steal the Show by Michael Port
This is the manual for both those who fear public speaking and those who proudly ‘wing it’. Don’t rise to the occasion; prepare for it.
Business Book Review: The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
In a modern era, this book is a testament to the power of steadfast faith that still underpins the work of so many.
Business Book Review: Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield
Two Weeks Notice is generously written for anyone new to entrepreneurship or needing to revitalise their business. Porterfield delivers a highly detailed and pragmatic guide.
Business Book Review: Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan
Tan is on a mission to make mindfulness as accepted in mainstream culture as the benefits of exercise. He shares the simple ways you can build your mindfulness muscle.
Business Book Review: Liminal Thinking by Dave Gray
If you’re a leader or personal development proponent, add ‘Liminal Thinking’ to your language and mindset.
Business Book Review: Bull’s-Eye by Brian Tracy
Bull’s-Eye is more than a guide to productivity; it will teach you to set targets your future self actually wants you to hit.
Business Book Review: Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday
Fortune favours the brave. Safe efforts lead to safe results. Rewards are reserved for those who took the risk others weren’t brave enough to take.
Business Book Review: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo
They say your home is a reflection of you. Kondo shows you how to create an environment that sets you up for inspired success.
Business Book Review: Goals! by Brian Tracy
Havard University research shows you can 2X and even 10X your income by following some of these top goal-setting tips.