Business Book Review: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
You’re taught if you work hard you’ll be happy. Achor gives you permission to be happy first. And watch your happiness fuel your success.
Business Book Review: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
Show Your Work is a must-read for creatives. A call to not hoard your ‘art’, but share it generously. Becoming findable to your people.
Business Book Review: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
In The Psychology of Money, Housel dares to venture off the spreadsheet. And into the emotions and behaviour that drive your financial decisions.
Business Book Review: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
The Infinite Game is a refreshing reminder that the goal isn’t to win. But, to keep playing the game, for generations to come to continue.
Business Book Review: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
This book will change your every click, every opening of an app, every like and scroll. Learn to use technology’s value, without diminishing your own.
Business Book Review: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant is a unique blend of pragmatism and philosophy. It will have you rethinking some of your most basic daily actions.
Business Book Review: Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry W. Phillips
Carefully curated lessons from one of the most influential writers of the last century. A gift to the next generation of writers.
Business Book Review: The EMyth Revisited by Michael E Gerber
Decades on, The EMyth Revisited remains a book worth revisiting. A regular fixture on book recommendation lists, Gerber’s timeless wisdom demonstrates why.
Business Book Review: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
Hendricks gives your internal fears a name - an upper limit. By conquering it, you free yourself for the big leap into your Zone of Genius.
Business Book Review: Failing Forward by John C Maxwell
In Failing Forward, Maxwell doesn’t just give us permission to fail - he demands it. He celebrates it as the foundation of the greatest success stories.
Business Book Review: Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Is by Steven Pressfield
This is for anyone who has suffered resistance. Be it procrastination, self-sabotage, fear or self-doubt. It's the manual for creating your heart's desire.
Business Book Review: Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Godin goes where too many marketers avoid. Showing how the less travelled path of permission marketing is the key to long-term trust.
Business Book Review: Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
In the raging river of information, Building a Second Brain, invites you to become the curator. Creating systems to empower your future self.
Business Book Review: The Unfair Advantage by Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba
Your unfair advantage is the secret to your success you never realised you had. Using your conditions, assets or circumstances to help elevate your success.