Business Book Review: When by Daniel Pink

When is the manual for anyone who has ever searched for the perfect timing. From how to time your day to making big life moves.

Business Book Review: When by Daniel Pink

My Rating: ★★★★

Length: 344 pages

Publisher: Riverhead Books

Released: 2018

Key Takeaways for Personal Branding

In When, Daniel Pink shares the hidden patterns in timing that have crossed continents and time zones for people all over the globe. Resurfacing much of what ancient wisdom seemed to know, but the modern world often leaves behind.

From work to personal relationships, Pink reveals trends in timing everywhere. Like research that shows cognitive abilities are not static over the course of the day. Or that students test higher in the mornings than afternoons (for every hour later that test occurs, they score lower). As Pink learned, timing is not everything, but everything is timing.

Lunch - The Most Important Meal of the Day

‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ has long been the nutritional catch cry. The research remains divided on the value of breakfast. Yet, lunch, Pink proposes, deserves more attention.

Social scientists are discovering that lunch can have a significant impact on your performance.

A 2016 study followed more than 800 workers mostly across information technology, education and media in 11 organisations. It compared those that took regular lunch breaks away from their desk with those that didn’t. The non-desk lunchers coped better with workplace stress. And they showed greater vigour and less exhaustion for the rest of their days - and the rest of their year.

Give yourself a break

The Power of Breaks

From students to judges, research has supported the power of breaks. For which Pink proposes these guidelines:

  1. Something beats nothing

  2. Moving beats stationary (remember, sitting is the new smoking)

  3. Social beats solo

  4. Outside beats inside

  5. Fully detached beats semi-detached

Sleeping on the Job

Science has long understood the impact of napping on performance and health.

Napping has been shown to increase “flow” - a source of engagement and creativity. A study in Greece also followed 23,000 people over six years. It found that people who napped were up to 37 percent less likely than others to die from heart disease.

So, it could be time for workplaces to embrace sleeping on the job. Something which has long been understood by many cultures. Like the ancient tradition of the “siesta”. Or the midday break embedded in Muslim culture - as called for by the Koran. And they don’t need to be long. Naps between ten to twenty minutes have shown to be the most beneficial:

"Skipping lunch was once a badge of honor and taking a nap a mark of shame. No more. The science of timing now affirms what the Old World already understood: We should give ourselves a break.”

Temporal Landmarks

Soclal scientists call the first day of the year a ‘temporal landmark’. Like humans who navigate landmarks through space, landmarks can also help navigate time. Prominent dates help you navigate your way.

A study of Google searches revealed the word “diet” always soared on 1 January. This was by approximately 80 percent more than other days. But, it didn’t stop there. Searches also spiked at the start of the month, first day of the week and the day after national holidays. “Firsts” are a switch that powers people’s motivation.

But, the power of “firsts” and temporal landmarks can be found anywhere. Just some of the 86 ideas Pink details are:

  • First day of the month (12)

  • Mondays (52)

  • Start of a season (four)

  • Your birthday (one)

  • Your loved ones’ birthday

  • Your work anniversary (one)

  • Your graduation anniversary

  • Your wedding anniversary (one)

  • Your first day back after vacation

The chance for fresh starts in your year lie well beyond 1 January. Create temporal landmarks through your calendar to keep your ability to reset strong all year round.

Favourite Quote

I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing.

In true Pink style, When is equal parts fascinating research and a unique point of view. Curating compelling ideas for embracing the power of timing.

When by Daniel Pink:  Available on Amazon.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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