Business Book Review: The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd

The Pathless Path is the modern-day equivalent of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Challenging you personally and professionally to question your default.

Business Book Review The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd.png

My Rating: ★★★★
Length: 263 pages
Publisher: Paul Millerd
Released: 2022

Key Takeaways for Personal Branding

Paul Millerd’s The Pathless Path shares the real-life experiences of Paul himself. Including working at a prestigious consultancy in a role advising world-famous CEOs. Until, life events, dissatisfaction and job hopping called him toward ‘the pathless path’. Where he is now a freelancer, writer, creator and coach.

The Default Path

Before exploring the ‘pathless path’, you’re first introduced to the ‘default path’. The status quo most are encouraged to pursue. Or perhaps, like Paul originally, you set yourself these expectations.

It’s the rallying cry to study hard, get a good job and keep going until you retire.

The Pathless Path

The Pathless Path was originally inspired by David Whyte’s book The Three Marriages. To Whyte, ‘a pathless path’ is described as a paradox:

“We cannot even see it is there, and we do not recognize it.”

It is unknown. Whatever your own personal default is, it asks you to challenge it. To consider the alternative. And if you feel inclined, to explore it. To lean into the uncertainty and discomfort and engage in experiments until the path becomes clearer.

Existential Opening

Millerd references Philosopher Andrew Taggart’s belief that crisis moments lead to ‘existential openings’. These moments force you into grappling with your deepest questions about life. Perhaps, like Millerd, this is through a health crisis or loss of a loved one.

Post-traumatic Growth

As suggested by Professors Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun, many who face crises experience ‘post-traumatic growth’. This is a positive transformation that can follow a struggle.

When applied to personal branding, this speaks to the belief in personal agency. That a victim mentality is doomed for failure. While those who take creative control of their situation and aim to serve others, thrive.

Favourite Quotes

“Study hard, get good grades, get a good job. Then put your head down and keep going, indefinitely. This is what I call the ‘default path’.”

“The pathless path is an alternative to the default path. It is an embrace of uncertainty and discomfort.”

“Beyond the headlines of dramatic life changes are almost always longer, slower, and more interesting journeys.”

“The search for work worth doing is the real work and one of the most important pursuits in life.”

“At first, however, most people run into a different challenge: not having an audience at all this can be a good thing because it enables you to experiment while building up your confidence slowly.”

The Pathless Path is both inspiring and technically well-researched.  Millerd’s carefully curated use of philosophy, psychology and other sources is among the most considered of the book’s professional development counterparts.

Millerd offers an honest account of one man’s experience in the corporate world. One, many experiencing the same feelings wouldn’t stop to reflect on. To question the default. To consider the alternatives of the path they are on. And realise the potential of the path less travelled - ‘the pathless path’.

The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd: Available on Amazon.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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