Business Book Review: The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane

Charisma doesn’t need to be the gift you’re either born with or not. Charisma can be learnt. Learn how to unlock the secrets of charisma.

Business Book Review The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane.png

My Rating: ★★★★
Length:  272 pages
Publisher: Penguin (General UK)
Released: 2013

Key Takeaways for Personal Branding

Olivia Fox Cabane, among other accolades, coaches on charisma as a job. Yes, this means charisma can be learnt. The Charisma Myth shares the secrets the charismatic characters have mastered. So, if your charisma could use a little extra sparkle, you’ll have the tricks of the trade in your arsenal.

Cabane delivers a practical guide to charisma, cemented in science. It divulges techniques for charisma with meticulous attention to detail.

The art of personal magnetism doesn’t need to be an elusive trait reserved for charisma’s chosen few. As Cabane champions, you can capture some charismatic magic for yourself too.    

Presence, Power and Warmth

The Charisma Myth makes the bold statement that charisma comes down to these essential elements - presence, power and warmth.

Cabane says mastering the art of being present helps you stand out from the crowd:

“Because so few of us are ever fully present if you can manage even a few moments of full presence from time to time, you’ll make quite an impact.”

“All you have to do is give the impression that you possess both high power and high warmth since charismatic behaviours project a combination of these two qualities.”

In a potentially uncomfortable truth for some to admit, we generally want to know if someone possesses power, and if they like us. When you project both (not just one), you become charismatic.

Instant Charisma

If you’ve felt charismatically challenged and want rapid results, try Cabane’s tips for instant charisma:

  • Lower the intonation in your voice

  • Nod less frequently

  • Wait two full seconds before you speak

“Nodding once for emphasis or to express agreement is fine and can be an effective communication method, but nodding three or four times in rapid succession is not. This is what one of my clients has come to call ‘the bobble head’.”

Don’t fake your smile

If you think your friendly grin has people fooled, you’re the fool. Humans have evolved to become highly attuned to facial expressions. A fake smile lifts only the corners of your mouth. Your real smile washes over your whole face. It lifts the corners of your eyes. Subconsciously, other people can sense the difference. Don’t insult their intelligence with an insincere smirk.

Project warmth with that fireside chat feeling

Fireside chats are comfortable conversations that create a sense of intimacy. When you’re speaking, aim to create that fireside feeling. Act as if you’re sharing a secret around the warm campfire and making your people feel special.

The Charisma Myth helps bust the belief that you either have charisma or you don’t. Because, as you’ll learn, charisma can be learnt, practised and fine-tuned like practical magic.

The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane:  Available on Amazon.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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