Business Book Review: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

In the gap between your problem and its solution, lies this mantra. When all feels lost, it’s the three little words to lean on.

Business Book Review: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

My Rating: ★★★★

Length: 290

Publisher: Penguin

Released: 2019

Key Takeaways for Personal Branding

Everything is Figureoutable

She was famously named by Oprah as the thought leader of the next generation. And this bestseller shares the mantra Marie Forleo lives by - ‘everything is figureoutable’.

Forleo first heard the phrase from her mother at a very young age and never forgot it. She realised it had underpinned her mother’s can-do attitude toward every challenge. From fixing her leaky roof, retiling the bathroom and re-assembling her favourite radio. Even in a pre-internet era, she seemed to find a way to solve any problem at hand.

It’s a philosophy that saw Forleo go from turning down a dream job offer at Vogue to bartending and cleaning toilets. Doing whatever it took to realise her dream of becoming a life coach. For this, she is now one of the most famous in the world.

Finding two hours

As Forleo points out, being “crazy busy” seems to have become a cultural epidemic. Forleo highlights a harsh truth - if it’s important enough, you’ll make the time. If it’s not, you’ll make an excuse. And that it’s never about having the time. It’s about finding the time.

Forleo asks you to pay close attention to the usual time-wasting suspects. Among other things, this includes television, meetings and social media. She reminds us that when asked how much his kids must love the new iPad, Steve Jobs responded with, “they haven’t used it…we limit how much technology our kids use at home.”

Forleo challenges you to make it your mission to free up two hours of your day for a goal. The two-hour target is used because:

  1. It’s enough of a stretch to challenge the deeply held assumptions about how you’ve constructed your life.

  2. The compound effect of two hours toward a meaningful goal will alter the trajectory of your life.

And if you don’t free up two hours, you’ll likely end up with one. Still, making significant progress toward your goal.

Favourite Quotes

Simple doesn’t mean the road ahead is easy. You’ll need humility and courage. Self-compassion. A willingness to experiment. A sense of humor. And patience. Lots and lots of patience.

Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Ask it again and again with genuine curiosity. “What can I learn from this? What can I learn from this?”

Nothing exists in our world that does not first exist in our mind.

Here’s the mantra I use to curb my own media consumption: “Create before you consume.”

Nine times out of ten, our fear is directive. It’s a signpost, pointing us in the exact direction our soul wants to go.

Is it possible that the sensation you’ve assumed is “fear” could also be called anticipation, expectation, or perhaps even excitement?

Whenever you’re trapped in the hell of indecision, do something about it as quickly as possible. Find a way to take a tangible, real action and you’ll be rewarded with priceless feedback to inform your next steps.

Everything is Figureoutable showcases the best of the Forleo flair. Her unique voice and point of view are both uplifting and practical. ‘Everything is figureoutable’ is the mantra we could all use.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo: Available on Amazon.

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

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