9 Easy Tips for using LinkedIn for Your Personal Brand

Are you making the most of the world’s largest professional network for your personal brand?

On 5 May 2023 LinkedIn turns 20. The platform has evolved immensely since its launch. But, are you evolving with it?

As more professionals started using LinkedIn, I avoided it like the plague.

I finally decided it was the best way to stay in touch with co-workers. When I wasn’t steering clear of it altogether, like most LinkedIn users, for years I only lurked on the platform. At best, creating a couple of posts a year when something extra special happened.

Until I finally realised its value.

LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest social media platforms. And indisputably the most significant for professionals and B2B relationships.

So, are you making the most of it for your personal brand? Here are a few thought starters.

Tip #1. Don’t be a lurker. Join the 1%

Like much social media, LinkedIn is said to be 90% lurkers, 9% consumers and 1% creators. Here’s my version of if a lurker, consumer and creator walked into a networking event:

The Lurker

You make the move to attend the world's greatest networking event for your personal brand. And, stay in the corner all night, speaking to no one.

The Consumer

You absorb the value everyone has to offer. You’re a wonderful listener, but add nothing to the conversation. Especially not your unique point of view.

The Creator

You feel the fear but act anyway. You join the conversations. Aiming to both listen and create value.

In the process, you join an estimated three million of LinkedIn’s 250 million monthly users. The ones posting at least once a week. Yes, one post a week and you join the top 1% of the world’s largest professional network.

The Law of Influence

In his best-selling book, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C Maxwell says it best:

The True Measure of Leadership is Influence. Nothing More, Nothing Less.

The classic was written 25 years ago, but applies in our digital age.

The digital world is simply the law of influence in leadership at play online. You can choose to be a follower or a leader. Which one are you?

Tip #2. Have clear messages for your personal brand

Before you start sharing anything, first:

  1. Know your personal brand vision and values.

  2. Define your niche.

  3. Decide on relevant 3-4 content pillars. Include at least one that humanises your personal brand.

Tip #3. Switch to ‘Creator Mode’

If you haven’t already, make the switch to ‘creator mode’. It lets your ideal audience know what your expertise is.

Here are some profile updates switching over will activate:

  • Changing the sequence of your profile. Placing your activity above your About Me.

  • The option to pin a featured post to the top of your page.

  • Allowing people to ‘follow’ you as the main call to action. Note, you can still receive connection requests.

To do this, simply:

  • Visit your profile page.

  • Select ‘Resources’.

  • Add up to five key topics you ‘talk about’ which appear on your profile.

  • Click to turn on creator mode.

Tip #4. Create with your audience in mind

Personal connections build brand trust. To make business personal on your LinkedIn try:

  • Use ‘you’ instead of generic references to your network.

  • Write as though you’re writing to one person. Having a person from your ideal audience in mind helps deliver a stronger message.

  • Ask yourself how your piece of content adds value.

Tip #5. Understand the algorithm

Understanding the algorithm helps bring your valuable content to those it could help. So, consider these key points:

  • Create high-quality content - LinkedIn’s first test determines if your content is marked as either spam, low quality or clear high quality.

  • Deliver value - LinkedIn initially tests your post with a small group. Delivering value helps improve your engagement.

  • Create a hook - Like a headline, your first three lines should draw your audience into your content.

  • Encourage your audience to ‘see more’ - The click sends positive engagement signals to the algorithm.

  • Encourage engagement - Ask a question in your posts. A like, comment or share (the highest accolade) is rated accordingly in a scoring system. High engagement tells the algorithm to keep sharing your content.

  • Break up your text - Use short points and paragraphs for easy reading.

  • Use emojis - These break up text and highlight key points. A clearly structured post is also a good signal for the algorithm.

  • Use hashtags - Consider up to three. Relate these back to your ‘talks about’ hashtags on your creator mode profile. Consider picking at least one from each of the following:

    • broad topic

    • niche

    • more specific niche

  • Use rich media - Photos and videos perform better than text-based posts.

  • Understand outbound links - LinkedIn favours posts that keep users on the platform. Outbound links will likely be shown to fewer people.

Tip #6. Use a high-quality banner

Your banner is prime real estate for your personal brand, but is alarmingly under-utilised.

Pick an image that represents what you want to be known for. Prime and frame how you want your audience to understand the content in your profile.

Tip #7. A high-quality headshot

Have a professional headshot. If impressions are made in less than one second, make yours count.

Be deliberate about your clothing and colour choices. Both send cues about what your personal brand represents.

Use a forward-facing photo with a cropped minimal background.

Tip #8. Find your communities

Once you’ve defined your niche, connect with any relevant groups.

Tip #9. Be generous

It costs nothing to like a post or give someone the gift of being the first comment on their post. More so than anything, LinkedIn is about creating relationships.

You attract the energy you create.

Small steps applied consistently compound over time and can transform your personal brand. So, are you making the most of LinkedIn?

Dianne Glavaš

Personal brand coach, consultant and speaker for executives, emerging leaders and business owners. I’m based in Adelaide, and am available online Australia-wide. Use personal branding to differentiate your trusted brand in the marketplace and build industry influence.

For more personal branding tips:

  • Read my previous blog posts.

  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel for all things personal branding, marketing, business and development.

  • Follow my Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to get the latest on the go.

  • Connect on LinkedIn the latest blog and episode detail straight to your feed.


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