8 Powerful Lessons in Personal Branding from my Grandma
It was the moment everything changed. And the eternal inspiration behind my personal branding coaching business.
Pictured with my grandma at my Bachelor of Commerce graduation. Seeing her face in the crowd was one of my proudest moments. She loved learning and was a lifelong learner.
From as early as I remember, it was always my biggest fear. Now there it was, staring me in the face.
I was beginning life without my grandma. My greatest leader, mentor and friend. Someone I had lived with most of my life.
For hours, I sat by her bed, holding her lifeless hand. A family member later commented that one hand was still warm. The one I had clung to. As I said goodbye, I thanked her for everything. I told her to be so proud. She did everything she possibly could. I promised to do everything I possibly could, to make her proud.
As I sat there, literally staring death in the face, I realised I would never know fear the same way again. My biggest fear was now already realised.
I had the honour of contributing to my grandma’s eulogy. It was some of the easiest words I’ve written. Without realising it, it was my first profound experience with personal branding. My grandma was imprinted in my memory. And the eternal mark she left on the world.
The seeds of inspiration are often planted in unlikely places. Here’s what my grandma’s death taught me about the power of personal branding.
1. Your personal brand is your legacy
Everyone has a personal brand. It’s often said a personal brand is:
What people think about you
How you make them feel
What they say about you (especially when you’re not in the room)
How they remember you
My grandma’s passing made me realise it’s not just what people say about you when you’re not in the room. It’s what they say about you when you’re no longer in this world. It holds you responsible for the person you want to be in this life. For creating a legacy you can be proud of.
2. Your personal brand is the outward expression of your core values
I knew at the heart of my grandma’s personal brand lay her deep-seated values - faith, learning, service and giving.
Personal branding is about being intentional about the outward expression of your brand.
3. Your personal brand shares your most powerful messages for the world
I knew to open my grandma’s story with her favourite quote. It encapsulated her personal brand. It was her most consistent message. “Humble yourself and you will be exalted”.
I infused the rest of the story with her other key messages. I knew them all easily. She shared and lived them consistently every day.
Your messages for the world form your unique point of view. It cuts through the noise. And builds emotional connections with your people.
4. Your tone speaks louder than words
Like every brand with a consistent ‘tone of voice’, I knew my grandma’s well. Humble, empathetic and honest, with a sprinkle of humour.
Her silence or cheeky grin could speak volumes.
My grandma’s tone never faltered.
Your personal brand values come alive through your tone. It’s the foundation for the daily impressions you leave on those around you. Legacies are created in everyday moments.
5. Personal brand consistency builds loyalty
While writing my final words for her, I remember being in awe of the consistency of my grandma’s personal brand. The hundreds worldwide also watching her funeral online were a testament to this.
In branding, inconsistency is the quickest way to break trust. Consistency, therefore, is critical. It builds loyalty.
6. Your personal brand is the storyteller for the past, present and future
My words had one goal; to share her story and messages for the world one last time with her loved ones. Including the four generations present. So, the matriarch that went before us, could help pave the way for those to come.
My grandma came from very humble beginnings in South India, to build the comfortable lives we now enjoy. Your personal brand shares your hero story. It uses the challenges you overcome to help guide the way for others.
7. Your personal brand gives you purpose
When my grandma passed, her older sister told us to ‘be brave’. At her funeral, I repeated those words. And internally promised to live them. When I didn’t think I could, or when giving into fear was the easier option - especially then. As they say, courage isn’t the absence of fear, but knowing there is something more important than fear.
As Creative Director of brand ‘You’ you can reset, reimagine and recreate.
Your personal brand helps define your purpose. And where there’s purpose, there’s no room for fear.
8. Your personal brand is a service
My grandma was a lifelong homemaker. And the hardest worker I have ever known.
Whatever you do, your greatest service to your people is to make the most of yourself. To create a legacy to be proud of.
My personal brand coaching asks what your own defining moments were. They leave clues for how you can serve others.
So what moments changed your life?
PS. As I was first getting ready to publish this blog on the day of launching my business, death came knocking again. I’ll be sharing more next week.